The HEART Formula

Hi There!

I’m Jenn, founder of Open Heart Wellness and The HEART Formula and I was once feeling stuck, overwhelmed, ashamed of how I looked and I didn’t even know where to start to break out of the emotional eating cycle. 

My personal healing journey began in 2006 when I decided to prioritize my own well-being. For as long as I can remember, my weight had always been a struggle. Lacking self-love and using food as my comfort, I spiraled to my highest weight of 255 lbs. The turning point in my life was after seeing a picture of myself, even though I rarely made appearances in pictures. In that moment, I was finally willing to truly see myself and I courageously stepped into my healing journey. 

I began to heal through nourishing foods, moving my body, radical self-love and connecting deep within to find my true authentic self. It took over a decade to put the pieces together of what actually worked to gain control of my emotional eating, lose the weight, feel confident and truly love myself. 

Through my own journey I became a Holistic Nutritionist & a Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach and it has become my passion to help women get to the root cause of their emotional eating and empower them to live a healthy lifestyle, radiating confidence and self-love. 

It takes intention and effort to break these strong emotional patterns, so don’t be hard on yourself as I still struggle every once and awhile. Just know that you are making a positive step forward in your journey and I am here to guide every step of the way.

My online program The HEART Formula is the step-by-step formula that helped me and many more woman gain control of their emotional eating and I am confident that it can help you too!

Gaining back control of your emotional eating doesn’t need to be as hard as it may seem right now. There are so many resources and paths available to you!

The #1 action step you can take to set yourself up for success is to uncover the reason why nothing before has worked and what will. 

Which is why I want to personally invite you to schedule a
FREE Emotional Eating Consult with me so you can stop dieting and bust through using food to cope with your emotions to finally gain control again and truly create the life you want!

The Emotional Eating Consult has helped women who are:

  • Tired of feeling ashamed of how they look and feel
  • Done with trying to control binge urges and want step by step instructions on exactly what to do
  • Fed up of being on the diet roller coaster where nothing has worked
  • Need help staying motivated and on track to finally break the cycle

You’ve likely tried a whole bunch of ‘things’ that have barely worked. And the truth is that takes a toll -- personally, emotionally and on your body. 

So if you’re ready to
STOP using food to cope with your powerful emotions, and get a clear idea of how to gain control of your emotional eating so you can lose weight and feel confident again then I’d love to support you. 

Book a FREE Consult

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